Speaker - Cormac Colleran
30+ unmissable sessions by inspiring speakers.

Cormac Colleran
Cormac Colleran – With nearly two decades of dedicated experience in the hypnotherapy and coaching industry Cormac stands as a distinguished authority in the field. A highly regarded hypnotist and trainer, he has empowered thousands of individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable transformations in their lives and business.
Cormac’s academic background is rooted in both business, coaching and psychology, providing a unique and comprehensive perspective that enhances his ability to create instant transformation in the lives of his clients. This allied to his years of experience in the regulation of pharmaceutical and medical device industries has enabled him to develop next-level hypnotic techniques (including the ICAAN Transformation Protocol) that are simple to use and are creating mind-blowing transformations in the lives of his clients.
His ICAAN Transformation Protocol is a life changing experience for those lucky enough to learn it or experience it and his work is consistently rated as a high 5 star performer for many years now. Join him to discover the transformative power of this unique approach to hypnotherapy and coaching.
All sessions By Cormac Colleran
I CAAN Transformation Protocol
Day and Time TBC
- The Connaught Suite